Thursday, January 14, 2016

Auntie Mame's Chocolate Mousse Pie

Auntie Mame’s Chocolate Mousse Pie

This recipe comes to me from my very good friend Margaret...(pictured here after attempting to teach my husband Bill how to cook) This was one of her late sisters recipes that I feel very blessed to now have.


3 cups chocolate wafer crumbs
½ cup unsalted butter melted


1 LB semisweet chocolate chopped (16 squares)
2 eggs
4 egg yolks
2 cups whipping cream
6 Tablespoons powdered sugar
4 egg whites room temperature

2 cups whipping cream

For Crust: Combine crumbs and butter, press on bottom and up sides of a 10” spring form an. Refrigerate 30 minutes

For Filling: Soften chocolate in top of double boiler over simmering water. (Or microwave) Let cool to lukewarm. *Add whole eggs and mix well. Add yolks and mix until thoroughly blended. Whip cream with sugar until soft peaks form. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Stir in a little if the cream mix and whites into the chocolate mix to lighten. Fold in remaining cream and whites until completely incorporated. Turn into crust and chill at least 6 hours or preferable overnight.

* IMPORTANT....chocolate must be lukewarm as you don't want to cook the egg and then stir, stir, stir. And yolks...stir and blend some more...then add some whipped cream...stir some more...then egg white....stir some more. Once it's smooth and lighter then you can add rest of egg whites and whip cream and fold gently so as you don't loose volume.

Decorate: Whip remaining cream and add sugar to taste. Loosen crust on all sides using a sharp knife, removing spring form. Decorate with whip cream and chocolate shavings.

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